HEADSHOTS - Do We Need One?
Headshots - Do We Need One?
These days you simply can't avoid it - you need a professional portrait/headshot. Why? Well, that's easy. It's really how we meet new people - on line.
Where we used to meet new business contacts at networking events, we are now networking on line through Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter and whatever else comes our way.
So instead of ironing our pants, and puttings on our business jacket -we now put on the same outfit and have our headshots done!
We can meet hundreds of people in that one outfit! So make sure that it is a great outfit a great portrait!
Headshot & Portrait Session with Make up & Hair by Andrea Griffith Varo
Yes, yes, I know you hate having your picture taken! I hear that all the time.
Yes, sometimes trying to look professional and charming can be daunting so that is why choosing your photographer is so important.
Professional headshot/portraits = "It's not about you, it's about your work".
We all know that whatever our expertise, or talent, there is always someone out there doing the same work. Yes, we all have competition. So how do we set ourselves apart from the competition?
We do the same thng we have always done and that is highlight and sell our best qualities as a person and a professional. Only difference is we are now doing that selling with our portrait on line.ead
So again, headshots/business portaits give people an ides of who you are and that is hugely important especially nowdays where so much business is done with people we have never met. Therefore make your first impression count and take note that this first impression is not face to face but online. Always remember that your headshots could greatly affect the results of your next on line meeting!